Eigen, a shared linear algebra library for KDE apps

Torsten Rahn torsten.rahn at credativ.de
Thu Jul 27 19:47:19 BST 2006

Am Donnerstag, 27. Juli 2006 19:47 schrieb Arnold Krille:
> Am Donnerstag, 27. Juli 2006 17:38 schrieb Casper Boemann:
> > The idea of the library is to create the interface we want and then copy
> > actual code from the tons of math libs out there. Basically all we want
> > is a Vector and a Matrix class and the usaual +, -, * operations plus dot
> > product, crossed product, and a way to construct orthogonal vectors and
> > bases.
> Be sure to also have function to compute eigenvalues!

Ingwa actually just came up with the idea to have "eigen" as a namespace / 
prefix. Doesn't "eigenVector" sound really intuitive and brilliant for our 
most basic vector implementation ;-) ?


> Sorry for the lame joke, couldn't resist...
> Arnold

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