Thomas Zander zander at kde.org
Tue Jul 25 15:28:14 BST 2006

On Tuesday 25 July 2006 16:13, Kuba Ober wrote:
> I guess that Allen's idea was to make things less redundant. If a class
> etc. is marked as private in the doxygen comments etc., then maybe it'd
> be simpler to have a macro similar to the one used to mark the class as
> public.

I'm not clear on what you are saying here; when is a class private 
according to the api docs ?   And I don't mean a sentence "Do not use!" 
but a formal one.
I personally don't know any way to do that.  And I was under the 
impression that the macro is and will be the only marker for "You can use 
this outside this library!".

Thomas Zander
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