kdelibs coding style

Ingo Klöcker kloecker at kde.org
Thu Jul 20 21:10:36 BST 2006

On Thursday 20 July 2006 21:53, Allen Winter wrote:
> On Thursday 20 July 2006 15:46, Ingo Klöcker wrote:
> > On Thursday 20 July 2006 21:23, Charles Samuels wrote:
> > > Aaron J. Seigo wrote, on Thursday 2006 July 20 12:20 pm:
> > > > please no adjustments. otherwise we'll discuss this till the
> > > > cows come home as people try and adjust this or that citing
> > > > past changes as precedent. =)
> > >
> > > I'm demanding that adjustment. And many others will agree with
> > > me. Sorry.
> >
> > Just for the record, I disagree with you, Charles. And if you look
> > at the KDE PIM coding style you'll see that most of the KDE PIM
> > developers (with the notable exception of David obviously) disagree
> > with you as well.
> >
> > FWIW, I'd love to have a space after an opening and before a
> > closing parenthesis but I'm okay with having no spaces in kdelibs
> > code. It won't kill me.
> Which brings up an interesting point.  The indent is 4 spaces in
> kdelibs. The indent is 2 spaces in kdepimlibs.  I'm sure there are
> other differences between the two coding styles.

Yes, we put a space after an opening and before a closing parenthesis.

> How does someone keep their sanity when switching between the two
> styles. Not that I'm a big kdelibs guy, but some folks contribute to
> both modules on a regular basis.

.emacs-dirvars or the equivalent for vi and kate is the solution.

> Is there a way for me to tell the kde-emacs lisp to automagically
> switch between the two styles depending on which module I'm editing
> at the time?

There's a .emacs-dirvars file in kdepim which changes indentation to 2 
spaces. We might want to copy it to kdepimlibs.

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