kde4 application disable to compile for the moment

Frerich Raabe raabe at kde.org
Sun Jul 16 18:35:50 BST 2006

On Sunday 16 July 2006 14:15, Laurent Montel wrote:
> I think that it's the moment to inform that there is some applications
> which is disable to default build system (not ported to kde4/qt4)
> I put in CC actual maintainers (or email that I found perhaps not active)
> when it's possible

>                             knewsticker

> Perhaps maintainer can decide that it's not important to port them so we
> can perhaps removed them from kde module.
> Perhaps there is other application (which are maintains) can replace them.

KNewsTicker should be removed from the module, I think it would be fine if it 
owuld be replaced with a little applet (pardon, 'Plasmoid' is en vogue at the 
moment, right?) which can somehow synchronize it's state with akregator (so 
that when I click on an article in KNT it gets marked as 'read' in akregator 
as well, and so that the two show articles form the same news sites).

I do have a perfectly appropriate scrolltext widget already, but I don't know 
how to tie that to akregator (I don't want to start akregator just to have 
the little news ticker so that I can monitor tagesschau.de :-). Maybe Akonadi 
would be useful here, but I don't really know what that is all about.

- Frerich

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