qdbus on windows

Peter Kümmel syntheticpp at gmx.net
Tue Jul 11 19:10:02 BST 2006

How should we handle qdbus for windows?

Currently qdbus depends on dbus and kdewin32.

The kdewin32 dependency could be removed, because
only getopt from unistd.h is needed by the tools.

Does Trolltech plan to remove the dependency on unistd.h?
The simples way is a copy&paste from kdewin32 (see patch),
but I think there is a better Qt-way for this.

And how should we build qdbus on windows? Is it possible to
have a qmake build-process which ships with Qt and only
depends on a enviroment variable for dbus?
Something like this in tools/qdbus/src/src.pro:

win32 {
    INCLUDEPATH += . $$(DBUSDIR)/include
    LIBS += $$(DBUSDIR)/lib/dbus-1.lib ws2_32.lib advapi32.lib netapi32.lib

Attached a patch which I wanna apply to qt-copy?

Then building qdbus on windows becomes:

- build Qt
- build and install dbus
- checkout qtcopy/tools/qdbus
- move this qdbus folder to the Qt windows tree
- call qmake -recursive in tools/qdbus
- build

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