Installing dbus .xml files

Gary Cramblitt garycramblitt at
Fri Jul 7 02:00:08 BST 2006

On Thursday 06 July 2006 19:05, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On Thursday 06 July 2006 16:49, Gary Cramblitt wrote:
> > Copying the .xml file to each application's source directory seems wrong.
> we talked about making a common directory where these xml files should be
> installed, just as we do with kconfigxt for instance. then other apps
> should be able to just include that file via the build system. would that
> solve this problem for you?

I think so. :)

If we do that, then I could do something like this in myapp's CMakeLists.txt 

qt4_add_dbus_interfaces(myapp_SRCS ${KDE_DBUS_IDL_DIR} / org.kde.KSpeech.xml )

where KDE_DBUS_IDL_DIR is defined by the build system.  In 
kdelibs/interfaces/kspeech/CMakeLists.txt, I would install something like 

install( FILES org.kde.KSpeech.xml  DESTINATION  ${KDE_DBUS_IDL_DIR} )

Gary Cramblitt (aka PhantomsDad)
KDE Text-to-Speech Maintainer

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