Proposal to plan for "Milestone Releases" on the way to KDE4

Richard Dale Richard_Dale at
Fri Jan 27 18:17:38 GMT 2006

On Friday 27 January 2006 16:36, Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
> On Friday 27 January 2006 14:35, Gábor Lehel wrote:
> > Speaking of KDevelop: I notice there are no less than four seperate
> > panes on the left for opening files. Couldn't this number be reduced;
> > to, perhaps, one? :)
> Or even zero...
You can set up a 'profile' for KDevelop which allows you to control which 
plugins are loaded. The default profile for C++ just loads all the plugins, 
so the problem isn't that KDevelop can load useless plugins, but that it 
loads them by default. There is a utility called 'kdevprofileeditor' which 
allows you to customise the loading of plugins if you don't like the default 
profile for the language you use. I checked in a change to the Ruby profile 
last night so it just loads the 'File Tree' and 'File Selector' plugins by 
default. Thats probably still one too many as the 'File Selector' is just a 
version of the KDE File Selector running in a tab. Thanks to Alex Dymo for 
telling me about this feature..

-- Richard

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