Fwd: Re: Turning off screensavers [xarafaxz at nxxx: KMplayer feature request]

Thiago Macieira thiago at kde.org
Thu Jan 12 16:35:27 GMT 2006

Ismail Donmez wrote:
>Perşembe 12 Ocak 2006 15:40 tarihinde, Lubos Lunak şunları yazmıştı:
>>  Hello,
>>  what would be the right place for this in trunk (this =  a function
>> that apps like movie players could use to turn screensaving on/off)?
>> I'll probably add it to 3.5.1 too, there I can simply dump it to
>> KApplication, but I don't know where to put it for KDE4. Note that
>> this is not workspace stuff.
>Ah what if external apps wants to stop screensaver? Think mplayer,etc.

We should get it standardised as a freedesktop.org screensaver interface 
over DBus for KDE4.

  Thiago Macieira  -  thiago (AT) macieira.info - thiago (AT) kde.org
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2. Tó cennan his weorc gearu, ymbe se circolwyrde, wearð se cægbord and se 
leohtspeccabord, and þa mýs cómon lator. On þone dæg, he hine reste.
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