readEntry and booleans

Thomas Braxton brax108 at
Fri Jan 6 09:04:53 GMT 2006

On Thursday 05 January 2006 14:14, Thomas Braxton wrote:
> In the template code I could probably change it to a compile time concept
> check, but it's been a while since I've done any meta-programming, so it
> might take a few days while I get back up to speed. I think the concept
> check would be a good idea because it would catch most errors at compile
> time, where the programmer could fix them before they got out to users.

This didn't take me as long as I thought. here is a patch with both 
compile-time checks and kcbError's. And the header that implements the 
compile-time checks. What do you think?

To test it, comment out the line for QVConversions(int,...) in 
conversion_check.hpp and see the error messages when trying to compile 

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