[PATCH] Fix kmix sytray icon disappears

Christian Esken esken at kde.org
Sat Feb 18 23:12:00 GMT 2006

Am Dienstag, 6. Dezember 2005 09:05 schrieb Ismail Donmez:
> Pazartesi 5 Aralık 2005 01:53 tarihinde, Christian Esken şunları yazmıştı: 
> > Am Mittwoch, 23. November 2005 12:17 schrieb Ismail Donmez:
> > > Monday 21 November 2005 11:49 tarihinde, Ismail Donmez şunları yazmıştı:
> > > >
> > > > If you change any setting in kmix settings systray icon disappears.
> Several people including me was able to reproduce it.

OK, me too. :-|

> > > Applied to SVN.
> >
> > This patch doesn't look so good.
> > 1) IMO it creates a memory leak, by not freeing/deleting the old
> > KMixDockWidget.
> Old case was always deleting and creating a dock widget whenever prefs. 
> changes. Now it doesn't delete the widget if user didn't disable the tray 
> icon.

I don't feel comfortable with that. It seems to be too radical for a small bugix. I changed that back, fixing the issue in the "correct" place.

> > 2) After a config dialog apply we will have two KMixDockWidget's, after the
> > next "apply" we have three KMixDockWidget's, and so on.
> Why so? Code won't create two dockwidgets, or I can't see how.

You are right. At least I cannot see it anymore.

> > 3) As far as I see, it updates the pixmap, but not the tooltip (and
> > probably some more stuff like mute state in the context menu).
> Ooops.

But still many thanks for pointing it out. I didn't test properly after Coolos (otherwise very neat!) patch, so that KMix uses QSocketNotifier.
Actually there were more bugs triggered, like problems after changing the master channel. I believe I found all issues with that.

I appplied a new patch to 3.5 branch (as attached), so that it can ship with KDE3.5.2.

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