patch for KABC file plugin

Carsten Pfeiffer pfeiffer at
Fri Feb 17 10:15:12 GMT 2006

On Friday 17 February 2006 02:48, Michael Pyne wrote:

> If it works you'll officially be my hero for the year.

The problem is, that the bug is not really reproducible -- e.g. it happens 
once in a month, when I had kontact running during shutdown and previously 
had the laptop suspended once on Monday and Wednesday at noon.

So I can't assure that the bug is fixed, only that it addresses some problems 
found in the code, which look like they can be the cause for the bug.

That's why I'd like to get many people testing the patch.

> I pretty much can't use KAddressBook for my contacts because of this bug.
> :(

Same here. Love the "recent addresses" :-}

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