kdegraphics/kgamma: Patch and new maintainer needed

Michael von Ostheim MvOstheim at web.de
Sun Feb 5 09:13:42 GMT 2006

first, sorry for the very long break in maintaining kgamma. I decided now to 
officially give up the job. If someone will take it over, feel free.

Can somebody please commit the following patch against kdegraphics-3.5.0 
(should work with the latest versions), I have no access to SVN at 
the moment. This will fix bug 121268 and some other issues regarding the 
X.Org configuration file names. If there are any questions to me, please CC 
to MvOstheim at web.de.

Best regards,
Michael von Ostheim

diff -ur kgamma.orig/kcmkgamma/kgamma.cpp kgamma/kcmkgamma/kgamma.cpp
--- kgamma.orig/kcmkgamma/kgamma.cpp    2005-09-10 10:18:54.000000000 +0200
+++ kgamma/kcmkgamma/kgamma.cpp 2006-02-05 08:59:26.000000000 +0100
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
     QHBox *options = new QHBox(this);
-    xf86cfgbox = new QCheckBox( i18n("Save settings to XF86Config"), 
options );
+    xf86cfgbox = new QCheckBox( i18n("Save settings system wide"), options );
     connect(xf86cfgbox, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(changeConfig()));
     syncbox = new QCheckBox( i18n("Sync screens"), options );
diff -ur kgamma.orig/kcmkgamma/xf86configpath.cpp 
--- kgamma.orig/kcmkgamma/xf86configpath.cpp    2005-09-10 10:18:54.000000000 
+++ kgamma/kcmkgamma/xf86configpath.cpp 2006-02-05 08:56:42.000000000 +0100
@@ -34,6 +34,14 @@
+    searchPaths.push_back("/etc/X11/xorg.conf-4");
+    searchPaths.push_back("/etc/X11/xorg.conf");
+    searchPaths.push_back("/etc/xorg.conf");
+    searchPaths.push_back("/usr/X11R6/etc/X11/xorg.conf-4");
+    searchPaths.push_back("/usr/X11R6/etc/X11/xorg.conf");
+    searchPaths.push_back("/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xorg.conf-4");
+    searchPaths.push_back("/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xorg.conf");
     vector<string>::iterator it = searchPaths.begin();
     for (; it != searchPaths.end(); ++it )
       if ( !access( (Path = *it).c_str(), F_OK ) ) break;
diff -ur kgamma.orig/xf86gammacfg/xf86gammacfg.cpp 
--- kgamma.orig/xf86gammacfg/xf86gammacfg.cpp   2005-09-10 10:18:54.000000000 
+++ kgamma/xf86gammacfg/xf86gammacfg.cpp        2006-02-05 08:54:44.000000000 
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
     int Screen = 0;
     int ScreenCount = (argc-1) / 3;
-    // First, search for XF86Config
+    // First, search for XF86Config or xorg.conf
     vector <string> searchPaths;
@@ -56,6 +56,14 @@
+    searchPaths.push_back("/etc/X11/xorg.conf-4");
+    searchPaths.push_back("/etc/X11/xorg.conf");
+    searchPaths.push_back("/etc/xorg.conf");
+    searchPaths.push_back("/usr/X11R6/etc/X11/xorg.conf-4");
+    searchPaths.push_back("/usr/X11R6/etc/X11/xorg.conf");
+    searchPaths.push_back("/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xorg.conf-4");
+    searchPaths.push_back("/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xorg.conf");
     std::vector<string>::iterator it = searchPaths.begin();
     for (; it != searchPaths.end(); ++it ) {
       //Try to open file

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