
R.F. Pels ruurd at tiscali.nl
Wed Feb 1 15:05:55 GMT 2006

On Wednesday 1 February 2006 15.13, Frans Englich wrote:

> > that can generate C++ code as well as an XML parser based on a DTD. That
> > is, based on the DTD it creates a set of C++ classes and a parser that
> > can parse an XML file that adheres to the definition in the DTD and that
> > can create an object tree from the C++ classes generated earlier.
> Although not DTDs, but W3C XML Schemata, it seems.

Do you mean XSD's? From what are you concluding that?

> (My point was that what KWSDL has in common with KXPath is that they both
> need to do type hierarchy navigation and represent WXS primitives, and
> therefore have code duplication.)


R.F. Pels,  3e Rompert 118,  5233 AL  's-Hertogenbosch,  The Netherlands
+31736414590        ruurd at tiscali.nl       http://home.tiscali.nl/~ruurd

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