Preparing terrain for kio_uiserver

Rafael Fernández López ereslibre at
Mon Dec 25 18:20:58 GMT 2006


Sorry guys I've been out for couple days for family meetings and so on...
you know...

Well, in reply to your messages:

Robert, as David Faure said, all applications have a job icon (normally), so
it is better (and more consistent and eye-candy) to show by default the app
that launched the job icon.

In the case jobs are launched by daemons (that we suppose have no icon), the
default icon showed (as I've seen) is the unknown-mimetype (kind of blank
sheet), no gear. Anyway that should depend on what icon theme you are using.

Robert, as this is now in-progress work, I've to examine if jobs once
finished will stay on the list waiting for the user to close them, or they
will disappear automagically (if they stay and no removed when finished, we
could even add actions to open with the applications that can handle that
kind of file (it if was a download or a copy) or things like that...).

Bye and thanks,
Rafael Fernández López.
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