dbus+Service name+error

Laurent Montel montel at kde.org
Tue Dec 19 14:59:37 GMT 2006

I think that there is a little problem.
When we defined a kaboutdata with web site:
for example into kmid:
    KAboutData *aboutdata = new KAboutData("kmid", "KMid", "2.0",
        I18N_NOOP("MIDI/Karaoke file player"), KAboutData::License_GPL,
        I18N_NOOP("(c) 1997,98,99,2000, Antonio Larrosa Jimenez"),"",

we parse web site address to defined the organizationDomain

But here organizationDomain is wanadoo.es
and dbus used it for its Service name

and we see into dbus:
=> it's a big problem because if web site is changed all dbus call must be 

I see this problem into kalarm and kmid

But each program which add own web site has a dbus service name different.

what do you think about it ?


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