Possible bug in Qt code. Testing
Rafael Fernández López
ereslibre at gmail.com
Sun Dec 10 14:30:26 GMT 2006
Well the definition of persistent indexes is "The QPersistentModelIndex
class is used to locate data in a data model". Anyway, is not true that
there's a leak in internalPointer(), because as you see in removeRow() it is
deleted before the row itself is removed.
Another thing I'd like to tell is that I've done a workaround that works,
having another extra data into the model that is "int row", and modifying
them by myself. It just works. So there's a bug on Qt code I think.
Here is the code anyway.
David, ok i will rewrite it without using the QPersistentModelIndexes, but
then I can't understand for what are they...
Rafael Fernández López.
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