RFC: Splitting Qt4 packages and implications of this

Josef Spillner spillner at kde.org
Wed Dec 6 13:32:08 GMT 2006

Am Mittwoch, 6. Dezember 2006 11:31 schrieb David Faure:
> I think it's ok to make kdelibs compileable without session management
> support, this is probably useful on Windows/MacOsX as well.
> However making it compileable without DBUS support seems like madness to
> me... Everything relies on DBUS.

An example I think I talked to you about already some time ago is something 
like kwebdesktop. That is, small useful applications which make use of KDE 
libraries. Having some additional functionality compiled in is not the end of 
the world (even though it better isn't), but relying on other processes 
running makes development of such applications less attractive. I would like 
to be able to run kwebdesktop on the command line. On an abstract level, it 
is a function f:a->b with a being a stupid web page and b being a stupid 
image file. For some reason it is (a+x)->b in KDE with x being additional 
run-time dependencies like an X server and other processes.

Now it happens that it wants to load protocol information for the URL for 
which it uses ksyscoca and so even if one sets 
KApplication::disableAutoDcopRegistration() it will try to start a dcopserver 
(and work fine without succeeding it seems). In KDE 4 there doesn't seem to be 
a method to disable the dbus registration.

In my view many pieces in kdelibs are components which should be reusable in 
contexts other than "desktop application". This is not about bringing a 
stripped-down version of KDE to people but to make the software more 


P.S. Beside kwebdesktop shouldn't return an exit code of 0 if it cannot load 
the page I think

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