Patch on ksnapshot

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Tue Aug 29 19:59:56 BST 2006

On Tuesday 29 August 2006 11:27, Martin Koller wrote:
> But hey, we are talking about a mini application, which has 4 buttons!

count again. there are 6 buttons, one drop down, one spinner and a checkbox 
for a total of 9 active UI elements; 10 if we count the dragability of the 

that said, i think there is something to learn from this process for other 
apps beyond ksnapshot.

> Why does anyone think 4 buttons can clutter a small dialog or make this
> application suck ?

at the start of the thread the suggestion was to increase it to 5. then 
various other features; my wry suggestion for a menubar was even taken 
seriously by some. there are already dubious features present in the 
interface, we don't need to make more.

it's a rather well established phenom that the human mind deals rather poorly 
with over-instrumented interfaces (computer or otherwise) particularly when 
they are meant for occasional use (as opposed to constant daily use, where 
the familiarity induced by such behaviour can afford (and even demand) 
greater complexity)

> I really, really think, there are much other apps to beautify which
> currently already really suck (usability wise).

let's look after all of our interfaces, both currently good and currently 

"interface additions ad infinitum" is one of the primary habits of KDE 
developers that has led to our UIs that "really suck"

Aaron J. Seigo
Undulate Your Wantonness
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