Patch on ksnapshot
Florian Graessle
holehan at
Mon Aug 28 13:18:12 BST 2006
Alan wrote On 28.08.2006 9:42 Uhr:
> One thin I did notice is that it's not obvious that you can drag'n'drop the
> snapshot - maybe a simple improvement would be to change the tooltip to say
> (e.g.) "Drag this image into the application of your choice" rather than give
> the image size
I think a good way would be to make use of so called "affordances".
Affordances are parts of the interface that give direct visual hints how
to interact with them. E.g. think of how resize handlers are designed.
In the case of ksnapshot possible affordances could be:
- Change the cursor over the snapshot preview to a "drag hand", so
people see it can be dragged.
- Overlay a corner of the preview image with a dog's ear.
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