KIntNumInput::setTemplate(const QString &template)

Sébastien Laoût slaout at
Sun Aug 27 16:41:06 BST 2006

Currently, the class KIntNumInput has two methods:
- setPrefix(const QString &prefix)
- setSuffix(const QString &suffix)

This generate two problems:
1/ No plural for is allowed.
   Or to be more precise, all numbers are always presented in the plural form.
2/ Currency translation is bad.
   In USA, the program should call setPreffix("$ ").
   In Europe, the program should call setSuffix(" €")
   (not sure if € should be postfixed or prefixed, but it's for the example:
    other currencies are placed after the number).

For KDE 4, I propose you remove those methods in profit of that one:
- KIntNumInput::setTemplate(const QString &template)

The two examples will be transformed to:
- setTemplate(i18n("%n minute", "%n minutes));
- setTemplate(i18n("$ %n"));

"$ %n" or "$ %1"... I don't know.
Or perhapse even (you decide):
- KIntNumInput::setTemplate(I18N_NOOP("%n minute"), I18N_NOOP("%n minutes"));
So KIntNumInput will be able to call i18n(singular, plural, n) for each new 

But the point is that KIntNumInput will only have to replace %somthing.
Solve the two problems above.

What do you think?
Note: I'm not voluntering to do that change ;-)

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