kdesu and sudo (re: Waldo's bugs)

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Sat Aug 5 17:19:05 BST 2006

On Saturday 05 August 2006 4:03, Philip Rodrigues wrote:
> Looking through Waldo's bugs, I notice that the wish to use "sudo" with
> kdesu is very popular:
> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20914
> Jonathan Riddell has a patch on that BR which implements the wish, and from
> asking kubuntu users, it seems that the patch (or one implementing the same
> functionality) has been merged into the distro. Would it therefore be a
> candidate for the 3.5 feature unfreeze?

it would be nice to see this go in as an option imho.. it would decrease 
down-stream burden and allow people to set up sudo on their own boxes...

btw, this used to be very buggy in breezy and give me all sorts of annoyances 
but i have yet to run into a single problem in dapper so i looks like the 
patch is pretty solid now.

Aaron J. Seigo
Undulate Your Wantonness
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