[PATCH] misbehaving of KToggleActions in exclusiveGroup

Tobias Koenig tokoe at kde.org
Tue Sep 27 13:16:19 BST 2005


when you use several KToggleActions in exclusiveGroup mode and plug
them as KActionList into a menubar the following bug appears:

1) Select a non-selected item -> it's checked and all other items of the
   group become unchecked.

2) Select a selected item -> _all_ items (also the selected) becomes

The second shouldn't happen, so the attached patch avoids the toggle
when the action is already checked and in a exclusive group.

Ok to commit to 3.5?

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-------------- next part --------------
Index: kactionclasses.cpp
--- kactionclasses.cpp	(revision 464154)
+++ kactionclasses.cpp	(working copy)
@@ -232,6 +232,10 @@
 void KToggleAction::slotActivated()
+  // don't toggle when already checked and part of exclusive group
+  if ( isChecked() && !exclusiveGroup().isEmpty() )
+    return;
   setChecked( !isChecked() );
   emit toggled( isChecked() );

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