KMacroExpander convience methods for kdelibs4_snapshot?

Gary Cramblitt garycramblitt at
Thu Sep 22 22:52:29 BST 2005

On Thursday 22 September 2005 01:30 pm, Sascha Cunz wrote:
> Hi,
> in trunk, KMacroExpander was changed to use QHash instead of QMap. This
> change is not yet in kdelibs4_snapshot.
> I'm about to convert and write lots of new code for kdevelop that will use
> KMacroExpander, and as i expect that QMap<QString,QString> will appear
> there about 75 to 100 times and i actually do not want to change that
> later, should I
> - merge the change from 439322 to 457320 in the kmacroexpander.* files to
>   kdelibs4_snapshot
> - commit convience methods to kdelibs4_snapshot (i.e. like attached patch)
> - use a "typedef QMap<QString,QString> KMacroExpanderMap;" in kdevelop
> - just accept the fact, that i'll have to take 2 hours and walk over it
> again and change it
> - stop using kdelibs4_snapshot totally
> - something i've not yet thought of?

FWIW, the changes look harmless to me.  If they are already in trunk and OK 
with the KMacroExpander maintainer, I'd commit them into kdelibs4_snapshot.

Gary Cramblitt (aka PhantomsDad)
KDE Text-to-Speech Maintainer

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