[KDE4] KNotification

Olivier Goffart ogoffart at kde.org
Sat Sep 17 10:49:05 BST 2005

Le Samedi 17 Septembre 2005 11:10, Olaf Jan Schmidt a écrit :
> [Olivier Goffart]
> > There is no more KNotify daemon in the current implementation (all is
> > done in the client library)
> It is importnant that is KTTSD still notified of all notifications. Sending
> a DBUS message from within the new class to kttsd (if present) would do the
> job.

Why all notifications?
In my mind, the user may configure, per notification, if it want or not the 
notification be spoken.
So the user may configure which notifycation will be passed to kttsd

> > But i would like to implement a daemon for PassivePopup, that follow the
> > specification of http://www.galago-project.org/specs/notification/
> If there something in the spec that allows kttsd to get the text of all
> passive popups (from both KDE and beyond) in order to read them?

Yes, a dcop/dbus  signal just need to be emit.

> >  The notification may or may not have a timeout, and be present until the
> > message is actually read.
> If the application is providing the timeout, then please allow the user to
> force a minimum timeout, or to switch it off. Partially sighted users might
> need more time to read the notification text.

I don't know if application should set themself the timeout.
I designed it so either the notification closes with the default timeout 
(example, for "XXX is now online")
Or if the notification closes when the application say it. ("You received a 
message from XXX" and it is only closed when the message is read)

The second category may be configured to replay the sound every minutes, or 
let blink the scroll-lock led. So user may know there is a notification 
pending when the screen saver is running.  (optionally of course)
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