KTar + KTempFile + QFilePrivate::openExternalFile
Sascha Cunz
sascha.cunz at tiscali.de
Sat Sep 17 01:32:02 BST 2005
Hi Roberto,
hi kde-core-devels,
i do now know, why KTar does not work.
This is because of KTempFile::file() returns a pointer to a QFile for which
QFile::fileName() will return an empty string.
This in turn is due to this code:
QFile* KTempFile::file()
mFile = new QFile();
mFile->setFileName( name() );
mFile->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite, mStream);
return mFile;
The problem is: setFileName will create a QBufferedFSFileEngine. In this fe it
will set d_ptr->fileName to what KTempFile::name() has returned. The
following QFile::open(OpenMode, FILE*) call will then delete the
QBufferedFSFileEngine again. And create a new one. Which has no name.
We cannot switch both lines, because the second QBufferedFSFileEngine will be
marked as "isOpen" and setFileName on the QFile will fail.
KTar then furhter assumes, that the retuned QFile has to be closed, which is
not posible according to Qt3.3 and Qt4.0 docs. However, KTar calls
QFile::close, then later KTar::KTarPrivate::fillTempFile where the QFile is
closed again (why ever?). No it opens the file for write-only. This is where
Qt barks, because the QFile has no fileName() attached to it.
Thus, opening a gziped tar with KTar is broken. Further KTempFile::file() is
broken, because the returned QFile* has no fileName set and cannot be closed
and reopened.
However, i think, this can be fixed in more than one way:
1. QFile should keep the name that is set for it, even if opening an
"external" file. (The attached patch against qt-copy does that)
However, QFile::open(OpenMode,FILE*) documentation contains so much
warnings, i think at least this fact should go into it's docs.
Roberto, maybe you can forward the patch to whoever at TT wrote the
QFile code for discussion. Though, i do not think that it is right
for QFile to still return the name that was set with setFileName()
after opening an external file.
2. Simply add a comment to the documentation of KTempFile: "Use
KTempFile::name() if you want to close and open the file again."
However, this does not fix the broken result of KTempFile::file()
I think, that i can change KTar, so that it would not rely on
KTempFile::file(). However, got no clue how often this technique is
used in KDE at other places. lxr.kde.org is no big help. One can
guess that searching for "file" yields _much_ results. And searching
for KTempFile yields about 1600 references.
3. Sanitize KTempFile. The file could be opened using a QFile from the very
beinning on. Not my personal favourite, because a short look into QFile doc
shows no way to get a FILE* or an int fd from it. So KTempFile would loose
that posibilities.
4. I don't know, but: If there is a way to ask glibc for the file's name and
path if i provide glibc a filedescriptor or a FILE*, then maybe
QFilePrivate could be changed to query the name of the external file.
What's the right way to go?
Cheers Sascha
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