Moving ThreadWeaver to kdelibs

Zack Rusin zack at
Wed Sep 14 12:21:00 BST 2005

On Wednesday 14 September 2005 11:59, Koos Vriezen wrote:
> On Tuesday 13 September 2005 22:37 Zack Rusin wrote:
> > That is a really dumb question. When two products are the same and
> > one has commercial support (commercial support given for _free_ i
> > might add) then that one is better, always.
> Doesn't that also mean that lgpl code development stops for gpl code.

That doesn't relate at all.

> Eg. if TT 'took over' the kjs/khtml development before 3.0, there
> wouldn't be a webcore now, would it?

First of all, that's a fallacy. "TT 'took over' the kjs/khtml 
development" doesn't in any way imply "wouldn't be a webcore". 

But yes, thanks for the great example. KHTML is exactly an area where my 
point can be seen. It's not a huge secret that we're undermaned in the 
KHTML department, if a company would step up and started maintaining  
KHTML for KDE - using their version would be absolutely obvious 
(removes the maintaince burden, gives us more freedom to put resources 
in other areas and gives us a fully maintained library).


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