Patch: kresources API documentation

Alejandro Exojo suy at
Wed Sep 14 11:02:42 BST 2005


The attached patch corrects some mistakes in the API documentation or 
KResources. Some classes have been renamed, and when used the example for 
copying and pasting to a real case, it needed some changes.

Is OK to commit?

I think that I can improve a bit more the mainpage and the example, I just 
need working more with KResources, and a bit of time. If I do more 
improvements, and I'm confident they are OK, should I mail the list first, or 
can I commit them directly?

Thanks in advance! :)

Alex (a.k.a. suy) - GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 - Jabber ID: suy at
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