New i18n interface for KDE 4

Chusslove Illich caslav.ilic at
Sat Sep 10 18:28:10 BST 2005

> [: Nicolas Goutte :]
> But that is a hack. (I am not even sure that you can overload new, at
> least in old C++ compilers you could not, not sure about modern C++
> compilers.)

It doesn't seem to me more of a hack than placing implicit conversions 
around, on a per-case basis. Thinking practically, I don't see a problem 
with this hack, while with implicit conversions I do (and already have 

> [...] we can document in KI18n's Doxygen documentation, what should
> not be done. Otherwsie, developers will think that it is just a Qstring
> derivate and use it like a QString.

That is my basic idea of KI18n: a language-aware QString, which will 
translate itself when appropriate.

> Yes, but what I mean is that is the point of view of today. If you
> change your point of view before KDE5, you cannot change it once KDE4
> is out, if KI18n is derived from QString.

I think that my the point of view is just the one that is already 
pervasive, no more. Like this: for user visible text in KDE, QStrings are 
used; they are passed around, get assigned, and filled with arguments. If 
this practice is disposed of tomorrow, KI18n is of very little extra 

> Again it is less the class by itself. It is that Trolltech has a
> conception of QString, which might not be the one of KDE and might
> even less be the one needed for a class derived from QString.

It is not that I am advocating my view of cleanliness in this matter. I 
would be glad to sign with any solution that works. Using self-sufficient 
KI18n is fine by me as a concept, but the fact is: I don't see how to do 
it without the problems that it produces now, and that it may produce in 
the future along the same lines.

Chusslove Illich (Часлав Илић)
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