DBUS (Was: Malaga Discussions I)

Waldo Bastian bastian at kde.org
Fri Sep 2 11:37:31 BST 2005

On Sunday 28 August 2005 19:09, Maks Orlovich wrote:
> On Sunday 28 August 2005 07:00, Stephan Kulow wrote:
> > The first one was IPC. We once again summarized the benefits of KDE
> > switching to DBUS (among the lines of 'well maintained', 'support from
> > toolkits and other desktops', 'distribution support already very high')
> > and what bothers us with it ('C API', 'unsolved performance problems',
> > 'unknown upgrade path').
> Here, I have to express disappointment (most of the points have to do with
> hype and not anything technical), though I am hardly surprised (see
> 'hype'). Perhaps I am mistaken, but has D-Bus reached any sort of API, ABI,
> and wire compatibility stability? Has the protocol been properly specified?
> (If the wire compatibility is stable, and the spec is finally reasonably
> complete, I can probably do a client implementation in a weekend).

Yes, it is stable but not yet entirely set in stone, which is great because it 
means that if you discover a problem with it it, it can still be fixed now. I 
expect D-BUS to have a API/ABI stable 1.0 release well before KDE 4.0.

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