kedulaunch --> KDE Application Launcher (or "Berlin Migration")

Kurt Pfeifle k1pfeifle at
Thu Sep 1 02:07:39 BST 2005


you may have seen last night's commit of the nxfish:/ extension to
our beloved fish:// KIO slave:

Today we made a new discovery that will be extremely beneficial to
the future KDE and NX/FreeNX cooperation and integration: it is 


If we insert this as the command into a "Unix --> Custom"-type of 
remote NX session configuration, it definitely will make a great 
remote NX application launcher (even though it was probably made 
by the author with only running local applications in mind).

The only gripe we have with kedulaunch currently, is that it so far
is limited to launching "KDE Edu applications only" in a hard-coded way.

Our wish would be to have this thingie extended, and made more 
flexible/configurable to launch *any* application, and also subject to 

Such a nice-looking and well-designed application launcher (based on
the kedulaunch code, but more generic) would make a well-received and
perfect component to the current Linux and KDE desktop migration 
efforts of various Berlin local city administration bodies -- this we
were told today first-hand by one of the activists and key influencers 
in the Berlin local government IT.

Is there anyone who would like to take up that fun job?

Kurt + Fabian (FreeNX Developer representativs at aKademy)

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