[kdebase trunk] notificationdialog: replace Q3ValueList with QLinkedList

Kevin Ottens ervin at kde.org
Wed Oct 26 07:14:31 BST 2005

Le Mercredi 26 Octobre 2005 05:57, Dave Rowe a écrit :
> Attached is a patch replacing Q3ValueList with QLinkedList for the
> following file:
> kioslave/media/medianotifier/notificationdialog.cpp
> (Currently, Q3ListBoxItem is still being referenced)

No problem currently. I can stay a bit longer I guess. ;-)
It'll disappear as soon as I have more time for this area in trunk again/

> Please review and reply to me with any comments or suggestions.

Looks sane to me.

You can remove the following comment though:
+// Replacing Q3ValueList with QLinkedList as noted
+// by the Trolltech documentation

It doesn't really makes sense to keep such a comment in the current context 

Kévin 'ervin' Ottens, http://ervin.ipsquad.net
"Ni le maître sans disciple, Ni le disciple sans maître,
Ne font reculer l'ignorance."
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