KDateTime: new revised version

David Jarvie lists at astrojar.org.uk
Wed Nov 23 23:33:31 GMT 2005

I attach a new revision of kdatetime.h. For size reasons, I've made 
kdatetime.cpp available for download at 
http://www.astrojar.org.uk/linux/download/kdatetime.cpp rather than attach 
it. I hope that I've addressed all the comments made.

- There is now a non-explicit constructor which takes just a QDateTime as 
parameter, and uses the UTC or LocalTime spec of the QDateTime.

- The fromString() parsing code is completely rewritten to avoid copyright 

- I've added support for RFC2822 format strings.

- I've changed the return type of toUTC() and toLocal() to KDateTime, and 
added toZone(). These provide conversion between time zones in KDateTime. I 
think that this is the most natural way to convert date/times between 
different zones.

It's still untested - once things stabilise enough, I'll write the test 

David Jarvie.
KAlarm author and maintainer.
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