Updating SVN docs (Re: Slow SVN checkouts)

Clarence Dang dang at kde.org
Wed Nov 23 11:02:15 GMT 2005

On Wednesday 06 July 2005 01:26, Nicolas Goutte wrote:
> On Tuesday 05 July 2005 12:50, Clarence Dang wrote:
> > I've just started (!) using SVN and it seems to be slower than CVS by an
> > order of magnitude on my 28k connection.  Where is compression configured
> > for a https SVN account?  Anything else I need to configure?
> Perhaps you can try a trick that I had found when I had problems uploading
> the KOffice packages. The trick is to configure .ppprc (or another ppp
> configuration file if it is more useful for you) to have:
> mtu 296
> mru 296
> For me it had made a big difference (V.90 modem, so upload was 28.8Kbits/s
> too.)

A few months later: yes, my connection in general is much faster now.  

I would like to add this info to the SVN tutorial but which one!?:

1. http://developer.kde.org/documentation/tutorials/subversion/
2. http://wiki.kde.org/tiki-index.php?page=KDE+Subversion+HOWTO
3. http://quality.kde.org/develop/cvsguide/managestep.php

> May be you can try to *disable* PPP compression:
> nobsdcomp
> nodeflate
> (as the https data cannot be compressed anymore.)

I don't dare try this as I imagine my POP3 email would take too long to 

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