Torsten Rahn torsten.rahn at credativ.de
Wed Nov 9 16:26:31 GMT 2005

Am Mittwoch, 9. November 2005 17:23 schrieb Torsten Rahn:
> If you want to see a desktop environment which promotes user levels all
> over the desktop try to get "Geoworks", a nice OS which was available
> around 1992 and has subsequently been sold as "New Deal Office" and
> "Breadbox" (about four 3.5" floppy discs IIRC -- those were the times ... )

Here's a favourable description of the feature I mentioned:


Having used GEOS for quite a few months daily I disagree with it being an 
advantage for the reasons cited on usability.kde.org though.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards,

        Torsten Rahn

Dipl.-Phys. Torsten Rahn, credativ GmbH
Karl-Heinz-Beckurts-Str. 13, 52428 Jülich, Germany
Tel.:  +49 (2461) 6907-91
Fax:   +49 (2461) 6907-11
Mobil: +49  (160) 7452624
Email: Torsten.Rahn at credativ.de

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