[RFC] KConfigBase v KConfig

Thiago Macieira thiago at kde.org
Fri Nov 4 14:56:04 GMT 2005

Thomas Braxton wrote:
>> Maybe rename
>>  - KConfigBase -> KConfig
>>  - KConfig -> KFileConfig
>> as that's what it is supposed to be imo. Then KConfig could be used
>> for all arguments.
>KConfig should probably be renamed KConfigINI, the backend is called
>> Only problem is the *lot of* work to do it, also very confusing if a
>> class suddenly does something else. otoh: it's KDE4 and the right time
>> to fix such things ;)
>Actually it might be easier to do it this way, would have to change 4
> files kconfigbase.{cpp,h} and kconfig.{cpp,h}.
>Rename kconfig.{cpp,h} to kconfigini.{cpp,h} and rename KConfig to
> KConfigINI. Rename kconfigbase.{cpp,h} to kconfig.{cpp,h} and rename
> KConfigBase to KConfig.
>Then the hard part change all uses of KConfigBase to KConfig. It seems
> it would be easier this way, according to lxr.kde.org 3500 KConfigBase
> vs 27000+ KConfig .

I don't see why any application developer should know that the config file 
is an INI-style file or hardcode that information into his program. We 
may decide, in the future, to exchange backends (TDB, for instance).

So, we should have a front-end class for config (called KConfig) and 
backend classes (plural) for the various backends we have, starting with 
INI (called it KConfigINIBackend, for instance).

There may be usecases where the application needs to use a specific 
backend. In that case, we can provide an enum to the front-end or a 
setBackend() function.

  Thiago Macieira  -  thiago (AT) macieira.info - thiago (AT) kde.org
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4. And æfter se scieppend ingelogode, he wrát "cenn", ac eala! se 
rihtendgesamnung andswarode "cenn: ne wát hú cennan 'eall'. Ástynt."
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