Fwd: [PATCH] KPassivePopup Xinerama Quirks

Stefan Gehn mETz81 at web.de
Sat May 14 08:24:08 BST 2005


Am Samstag, 14. Mai 2005 00:28 schrieb Richard Moore:
> Sorry, it's taken me a while to reply. One major question:, have you tested
> this in non-Xinerama setups?
>  Cheers
>  Rich.

no, not yet, I can try with one display later today. The patch shouldn't cause 
problems because the main problems were bad placing (covering systray-applet) 
and placing it on the wrong display (can't happen if you only have one *g*).

Also if anybody knows more apps that use KPassivePopup themselves and not 
through KNotify please tell me. So far I only tested noatun, juk, kmail and 
konsole. The latter two use KNotify afaik.

Btw, I sent this patch twice to kde-core-devel but it never showed up here 
(now all I see is this reply-mail), really weird :/

Bye, Stefan aka mETz

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