about a screensaver for kde that i've written

Mathias Homann Mathias.Homann at eregion.de
Tue Mar 15 16:10:02 GMT 2005

Am Dienstag, 15. März 2005 17:04 schrieb Anne-Marie Mahfouf:
> Hi,
> > Right. Then there's no issue with MH's screensaver - the font Mauricio is
> > concerned about is just a recommendation, not a requirement.
> I did not get it totally. Does the screensaver work as it is for normal
> distributions (without installing this specific font)?

well... if that "normal distributions" has ANY font at all that contains the 
japanese hiragana and katakana, it should be able to find&use it. if it 
doesnt find any usable font in the system, a warning pops up.


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