KDE 3.4: Control Center scrollbars

Waldo Bastian bastian at kde.org
Tue Mar 1 22:59:28 GMT 2005

On Tuesday 01 March 2005 22:27, Unai Garro wrote:
> >looking at the code (haven't applied it yet) it doesn't seem to resize
> >continuously, but to grow only if necessary.
> Yes, it's a half-way of what I defined as a bad design. But notice that the
> window may require resizing not only when you change from background
> settings to style settings. As soon as you check on a checkbox, click on a
> button, change tabs, choose from a combobox, the window may require
> resizing.

You have done something wrong then.

> >and unlike kmail, kcontrol usually
> >sn't an app you have sitting there for hours of usage.
>  It was just an example because I'm afraid that other apps would copy this
> method, if found in kdebase applications. Resizing windows got other
> problems too:
> Say for example that a given control contains buttons A, B, C, D in order.
> You were pointing at button A, and click it. You try to press B, but the
> window resizes, the layout changes, and now under your mouse is button D
> instead of B, so you miss with the click. For a second you lost references
> to the whole window layout too, and you need to reread the thing to see
> where you are

So you think that the scrollbars are a better solution than resizing the 

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