ok to add cmake support in kdelibs ?

Alexander Neundorf neundorf at kde.org
Fri Jun 17 16:19:22 BST 2005

On Friday 17 June 2005 17:10, Benjamin Reed wrote:
> On 6/17/05, Alexander Neundorf <neundorf at kde.org> wrote:
> > Tanner Lovelace would like to work together with me on cmake and compile
> > KDE on Mac OS X. So is it ok to add the required files to kdelibs/ ? As
> > long as you don't run cmake, they don't interfere with anything else. If
> > there are problems with this I'd like to have a branch of kdelibs and
> > kdebase for this purpose.
> you can always do it in the work/non-x11-kde4 branch if you want, I'm
> working on getting the qt/mac port up-to-date there anyways...

Actually I'd like to get it working with 3.4 at first, before going for KDE 4, 
so that I have only one issue to work at: the build system, while the sources 
are stable. 
Maybe my first sentence wasn't quite clear: I am working on compiling KDE 3.x 
on Linux and FreeBSD using cmake, and Tanner would like to do the same (or 
for KDE 4, not sure) on Mac OS X.

Work: alexander.neundorf at jenoptik.com - http://www.jenoptik-los.de
Home: neundorf at kde.org                - http://www.kde.org
      alex at neundorf.net               - http://www.neundorf.net

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