[Patch] for Bug #61438

Thomas Schwarzgruber possebaer at gmx.at
Wed Jun 1 14:03:28 BST 2005

Am Wednesday 01 June 2005 14:34 schrieb Richard Moore:
> It looks to me as if the real culprit is a mixing of float and int
> incorrectly - d->volume is an int, so d->volume / 100.0 is wrong.
>  Rich.

No I don't think so - the result has to be a float (or the value would be 
always 0 - in respect that d->volume has to be <100 to reach that code)
- and as far as I know dividing an int with a float is valid and the result is 
a valid float.
By the way, this is still in the code and the problem disappeared for me - 
because of the patch.

Thomas Schwarzgruber
<possebaer at gmx.at>
linux user since 2.0.38

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