[PATCH] Have unsermake call itself by absolute path

Michael Pyne pynm0001 at comcast.net
Sun Jul 31 06:30:03 BST 2005

Hi all,

Attached is a patch to have unsermake call itself in the generated makefiles 
by absolute path instead of just calling 'unsermake'.  This is for operating 
systems like Kubuntu and Gentoo that install sudo with the --secure-path 

What this means is that if the path to unsermake doesn't appear in the secure 
path whitelist when sudo was compiled, users will be unable to install 
unsermake-based packages by using sudo (which is annoying the hell out of 
me. ;)

The solution is to use the absolute path (which is what kdesvn-build does when 
calling make/unsermake install), but if the Makefiles recursively call make 
or unsermake then that doesn't work.

Anyways, this works by changing 'unsermake' to '$(UNSERMAKE)' in the generated 
Makefiles, and also setting UNSERMAKE = /absolute/path/to/unsermake.

Comments/Suggestions about the "correct" way to go about doing this would be 
appreciated, otherwise I intend to commit in about a day or two.

 - Michael Pyne
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