RFC: addition of generic timezone support to kdelibs

Shaheed srhaque at iee.org
Tue Jul 12 02:37:24 BST 2005

David wrote:

>> For item 2, I think that the building blocks are all there, but I'm not
>> exactly sure what the best API would be. For example, would you want
>> something like:
>> 	QDateTime convert(const QDateTime &original, const KTimezone *newZone);
>> added to KTimezone?
>There would presumably need to be two KTimeZone parameters to give the old 
>new time zones.

Err, by adding it to KTimezone, one of the zones is implicitly the instance.

Mind you, I had a related thought; namely that it might be the case that some 
applications (KOrganizer?) might want a richer representation than a 
QDateTime allows: something with an explicit timezone.

Thanks, Shaheed

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