
Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Mon Jan 17 03:37:45 GMT 2005

On Sunday 16 January 2005 07:43, Anders Lund wrote:
> So my question is if the maintainers of KNewStuff are interrested in having
> the above features added, if so I'll be happy to work on it.

while we're looking at KHNS, i've got a set of patches here:

which adds a button and a KAction factory for KHNS. for dialogs like the 
background dialog, it means simply instantiating a single button and the rest 
is done for you... Jonathan Riddel tried it out and reported success ... the 
KAction is for use in menus/toolbars, etc... again, for consistency and ease 
of use.

Aaron J. Seigo
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