Once again KToolBarButton (was: KToogleAction not working?)

Enrico Ros eros.kde at email.it
Mon Jan 3 20:26:53 GMT 2005

On Monday 03 January 2005 18:46, Stefan Nikolaus wrote:
> Am Mon, 3 Jan 2005 16:04:22 +0100 hat Enrico Ros <eros.kde at email.it>
> geschrieben:
> > On Monday 03 January 2005 14:12, Stefan Nikolaus wrote:
> >> I have no write access. Could anyone else do it for me?
> > Done. Thank you again! It was a bad regression.
> Well, two lines moved and broken the whole new feature. That's sounds like
> me. Obviously the buttonClicked() signal has to be emitted for the middle
> mouse button, too. Could anyone commit the attached patch? Sorry for the
> inconvenience.

Done. K{Toggle/Radio}Action works good. Don't know about the new features but 
trust Stefan's patch.

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