KToogleAction not working?

Stefan Nikolaus stefan.nikolaus at stuco.uni-oldenburg.de
Mon Jan 3 12:14:05 GMT 2005

Am Sun, 2 Jan 2005 22:26:13 +0100 hat Albert Astals Cid  
<astals11 at terra.es> geschrieben:
> Hi, Enrico Ros have spoted the problem, if you revert to that files
> cvs up -r 1.321 kaction.cpp
> cvs up -r 1.185 kaction.h
> cvs up -r 1.81 ktoolbarbutton.cpp
> cvs up -r 1.37 ktoolbarbutton.h
> cvs up -r 1.346 kactionclasses.cp

It would suffice to revert kaction.cpp to 1.324. With the last commit the  
KAction::slotActivated() relies on the newly added  
KToolBarButton::buttonClicked(..) signal instead of the  
KToolBarButton::clicked() signal.
KToggleAction changes the state of the button. This has to be done after  
the state change caused by KToolBarButton itself. So the new signal has to  
be emitted after calling QToolButton::mouseReleaseEvent().

The applied patch solves the problem.


Stefan Nikolaus
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