x-java-jnlp-file mimetype

Albert Astals Cid astals11 at terra.es
Sun Feb 27 22:37:21 GMT 2005

This is regarding to add to HEAD not for KDE 3.4.x.

I have seen that clicking on Run TextSamplerDemo at
when using Konqueror you get the "Open with..." dialog with a not-known 
mimetype, i've created 2 desktop files that think that will "fix" that 
problem, but as it is my first try with that kind of desktop files i am 
sending them here for reviewing before comitting.

x-java-jnlp-file.desktop should go to kdelibs/mimetypes/application/
javaws.desktop should go to kappfinder/apps/Internet/

We would need a new icon for that mimetype.

Any comment?

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