Showstopper in kicker

Stefan Nikolaus stefan.nikolaus at
Sat Feb 26 13:10:26 GMT 2005

Am Samstag, 26. Februar 2005 12:16 schrieb Tobias Koenig:
> Hi,
> when you have shrinked kicker to 50% width and moved it to the middle of
> the screen or placed it at the right border of your screen, the first
> time you open the K menu, it's placed at the left border of the screen.
> For all following open events, it's placed correctly above the K menu
> button. But after a restart of kicker the behaviour reoccurs.

I think it's fixed by 0047-fix-kmenu-width.diff of qt-copy.


Stefan Nikolaus

"Time is the school in which we learn, time is the fire in which we 
burn." (Delmore Schwartz)

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