Future of KDE Development

Stefan Teleman steleman at nyc.rr.com
Thu Feb 17 13:38:37 GMT 2005

On Thursday 17 February 2005 08:12, Frerich Raabe wrote:

[ space saving snip ]

> From what I can tell everybody was always interested in getting KDE
> to run on platforms other than Linux. I'm well aware of the loads
> and loads of patches the KDE-FreeBSD folks sometimes need to get
> KDE building, and they're one after the other being pushed
> upstream.
> I don't see a problem with the current situation, other than maybe
> the developer discipline with respect to portability is not as good
> as it could be but oh well. :-)

What i am trying to say is: given the fact that the primary 
development OS is Linux, and that there are also FreeBSD and Solaris 
KDE sites: in case i need to patch something for Solaris, but it 
won't work on Linux, or FreeBSD: can we work together and find a 
common solution, in these tricky cases ? i am very much aware that in 
certain cases, that won't be possible, and in certain other cases 
that won't even be necessary (for example, memory_solaris.cpp).

i am offering to help and i am very much willing to work with anyone 
who is interested in working with me on this as well. it's not about 
defending one's turf, it's about finding common turf. :-)


Stefan Teleman          'Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition'
steleman at nyc.rr.com                          -Monty Python

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