Build system (was Re: Future of KDE Development)

Alexander Neundorf neundorf at
Wed Feb 16 19:16:00 GMT 2005

On Wednesday 16 February 2005 16:08, Michael Nottebrock wrote:
> I'm pretty indifferent to which build system I'll have to wrap my head
> around to fix portability issues in the future, but: Of all the candidates
> proposed to replace autotools, has anybody actually *tried* those on !Linux
> yet?
> I've stopped trusting webpages saying "this is portable" - more often than
> not it really means "is believed to be portable".

From my experience:
I use cmake under linux for several small apps and libraries, not much 
configure checks needed. I can compile the same apps and libs with the same 
cmake-files under windows with msvc and on the mac with gcc and makefiles.
Additionally I use cmake under linux for cross-compiling ecos applications, 
these are quite big projects with several custom rules and automatisms 
( These cmake-files 
also work under cygwin (also for cross-compiling) without any changes. The 
onyl thing which is a little bit confusing is that there are two cmake 
versions for windows, one for cygwin and one "native".

The biggest thing I compiled until now with cmake was Qt 4 (not a Qt app, the 
Qt 4 library).

Work: alexander.neundorf at -
Home: neundorf at                -
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