Future of KDE Development

Michael Brade brade at kde.org
Mon Feb 14 16:37:09 GMT 2005

On Monday 14 February 2005 16:07, Stephan Kulow wrote:
> At first I would like to say that I was release dude for the third release
> now and I'm feeling loss of motivation from time to time, but so far I feel
> that continuing to bring in my experience for the job is better for KDE
> than having someone new and possibly more motivated start from scratch. Due
> to the dedicated help of Stephan Binner and others we managed to get
> releases out quite well. So this is what I would like to formalize in the
> future: KDE releases aren't done by single persons but by a team, where one
> of them has the final word.
You have my support. And thanks for all your efforts, much appreciated!

> This all sounds like a lot and it surely is. Still no-one would like to
> have KDE4 in late 2006, but the earliest possible.
That sounds nice, but is probably hardly doable. We definitely need more than 
6 months including the release for KDE 4 to develop. Just have a look at the 
time that was needed to get KDE 3.0 done, from alpha1 to release were 6 
months. I'd expect KDE 4.0 to be more work.

> So I can very well imagine we finish the initial Qt4 port around the same
> time KDE 3.5 is due, so it might be a perfect match.
Well, regarding where to put the money: if we only start to port KDE 4 in 
November/December I will not be able to help at all. From October onwards I 
will most likely be writing my Diploma Thesis. And in case you plan to freeze 
KDE 4 in mid-2006 I will not have coded anything for it. Sure, the Qt4 delay 
is nothing we can avoid, but I'd love to see the start of the port in June 
the very latest.

Which also means that kdelibs needs to be branched for the Qt4 port since KDE 
3.5 development will happen concurrently.

Michael Brade;                 KDE Developer, Student of Computer Science
  |-mail: echo brade !#|tr -d "c oh"|s\e\d 's/e/\@/2;s/$/.org/;s/bra/k/2'
  °--web: http://www.kde.org/people/michaelb.html

KDE 3: The Next Generation in Desktop Experience
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